Gem's integration with Taleo allows you to:
- Upload candidates to Taleo from Gem
- Search for or create a new candidate profile in Taleo
- Dupe check for already-existing candidate profiles in Taleo
Part 1. Enable the Taleo Web Service Framework
These steps are required to allow Taleo API connections to your Taleo instance. If you have Web Service permissions enabled in your Taleo instance you can skip this part and go straight to Part 2. Otherwise, follow these steps:
Step 1: Enable the Web Service Framework via your Taleo Customer Representative
Ask your Taleo Customer Representative for . By default, the web service framework is disabled.
Step 2: Get the Web Services WSDL Files via your Taleo Customer Representative
Ask your Taleo Customer Representative for the Web Service Description Language (WSDL) files. These are necessary for accessing the Taleo API.
Part 2. Create a new Taleo user to use with Gem
The steps below will result in a new user with the permissions required by the Gem <> Taleo integration. You will share the new user ID and password with Gem and use it in Part 3 to connect Gem and Taleo.
NOTE: Whoever in your organization is following the steps below should have the “Manage user accounts” user type permission.
Step 1. Create a new user. Create a Taleo User Account activated with Web Service permissions.
Step 2. Define the User Type, User Group, and Coverage Area. Go to Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Accounts.
The user should have the following:
- User Type = Recruiting
- User Group = Recruiting Center
- Coverage Area = Requisitions and Search
The following permissions are necessary to enable the Gem integration:
Taleo Export Request
Offer (projectedClass: Offer)
Job Interview Stage (projectedClass: ApplicationState)
Attachments (projectedClass: Candidate)
Requisition (projectedClass: Requisition)
Office (projectedClass: WorkLocation)
Candidate (projectedClass: Candidate)
Sources (projectedClass: RecruitmentSource)
User (projectedClass: User)
Step 4. Share the user ID and password with the Gem team
Part 3. Connect Gem and Taleo
The steps below are needed to connect Gem to your Taleo instance and enable the Dedupe&Upload integration. These steps need to be followed once by every person in your organization who is planning on leveraging the integration.
Step 1. Head over to a LinkedIn profile and open the Gem extension.
If the profile of the candidate does not yet exist in Gem, you will see a screen similar to the one below. Start by adding this person to Gem. Click on “Show me how”. Otherwise go directly to Step 2.
Step 2. In the Gem extension, you will notice a “Connect to Taleo” section. Click on the “Connect” button.
Step 3. A pop-up will appear and you will be prompted to enter your Taleo Server URL. If you click on “How do I find my Server URL” you will see further instructions.
Step 4. You will be prompted to enter your Oracle Taleo Credentials. Please enter the user ID and password of the user you created in Part 2.
You are done!
Have any issues or questions on this topic? Please feel free to contact your dedicated Gem Customer Success Manager directly or our Support team at