An interview template contains information about an interview's duration, interviewers, and position in the schedule. You can link an interview template to an interview in order to speed up your scheduling workflow.
By linking an interview template to an interview, you won't have to enter these details each time you schedule a candidate. We'll pre-fill them for you.
Creating an interview template
Most often, you'll create new interview templates as you set up a stage for scheduling.
You can also create new interview templates from the Interview Templates page.
Updating an interview template
If an interview template is linked to a single interview, you can update it directly from the Interviews tab.
You can also update an interview template from its page.
Reusing an interview template
You can attach an interview template to as many interviews as you want. Some common examples of reusable interview templates are:
- Lunch
- Wrap-Up Interview
- Greeting Tour
- Culture Add
Sometimes, you might use a more specialized interview across multiple roles. For example, if you have four roles open for software engineers, each for a different team, you may reuse some of the same technical interviews across those loops.
Recommended best practices
Naming interview templates
To keep your interview templates organized, we recommend keeping template names simple.
- For reused interview templates, we recommend just `Interview name`.
- For interview templates that are only used in one place, we recommend a combination of the `Job name` + `Interview name`.
Cleaning up interview templates
We recommend archiving interview templates that were used at one point but are no longer being used. You can archive an interview template from its page. You can also bulk archive multiple templates from the Interview Templates page.