You can send self-scheduling links to candidates to book their own one-on-one interviews. When you send a candidate this link, they will be able to select from times that their interviewer is free. When they choose a time, the schedule will automatically be created. This saves you time by eliminating the back-and-forth of collecting availability from the candidate in order to schedule them.
Prior setup
Before sending a self-scheduling link, you'll want to make sure everything is set up first. An optional (though recommended) step is configuring your company branding so that the page that the candidates will see have your company's logo and colors.
Once that's set up, you'll need to configure a stage for self-scheduling. This is a quick step that will help save time in the long run because it sets up defaults for all self-scheduling links you send out for that stage.
Getting to the self-scheduling workflow
Once everything is configured, you're ready to start sending out self-scheduling links! Once you enable a stage for scheduling, all unscheduled candidates currently in that stage will have a status of "Ready to Schedule." You can head to your Candidates page and find a candidate with the "Ready to Schedule" status, who is in a stage where the default workflow is Self-Schedule.
Clicking on the "Self-Schedule" button on any page will take you into the request availability workflow.
Self-scheduling link workflow
1. Preferences
The first and primary step in the workflow is setting up the preferences for the self-scheduling link. Many of these settings will be familiar from when you configured the stage, and just like when you're scheduling, you can modify any of these values for this specific candidate, and it won't change it on the stage for everyone else.
You can only send a self-scheduling link for a single one-on-one interview. If you have multiple interviews attached to the stage, or if you have multiple interviewers who can conduct the interview, you will need to select a specific interview and interviewer.
- You can edit the interviewer's working hours for this particular candidate if needed. To edit the interviewer's working hours across Gem Scheduling, you can modify it on their page in the Interviewers section.
- You can also select which days of the week this interviewer would prefer to do this interview.
We recommend sending an email to the candidate through Gem Scheduling. This email will be sent when you complete this workflow. (This is optional; if you would like to send the candidate their self-scheduling link through another medium, uncheck this box and we will instead simply generate the link at the end of the workflow.)
2. Events & Emails
The candidate calendar event and the confirmation email will be sent to the candidate when they book their interview.
3. Review
Once you've set up all of the preferences to your liking for this candidate, the next step is reviewing all of the information to make sure it looks good. This is also another opportunity for you to preview exactly what the candidate will be seeing.
If everything checks out, you can create the self-scheduling link!
And that's it! Now, the candidate will be able to book their interview through this link.