When hiring a candidate, your team may hold internal meetings to debrief about the candidate's performance or sync on how to interview them. These meetings typically include the interviewers and/or members of the hiring team.
You can schedule these hiring meetings in Gem Scheduling, easily find a time that works on everyone's calendars, and send out a calendar invite with video conferencing links automatically added. Then, if you have to swap interviewers, we'll update the hiring meeting attendees as well. It's one less thing that you have to think about when you edit a schedule!
Prior setup
Your account comes equipped with a Debrief hiring meeting template. By default, it is 30 minutes long and includes a basic calendar event description. If you would like to use Gem Scheduling for scheduling candidate debriefs, we recommend editing this template to have the duration, attendees, calendar event title, and calendar event description that you want to use for debriefs at your company.
You can manage and see your hiring meeting templates here. If you would like to use Gem Scheduling for scheduling other types of hiring meetings as well, we recommend creating a new hiring meeting template for each type of meeting, e.g. pre-interview sync, offer creation sync, etc.
You can always schedule a hiring meeting without using a hiring meeting template. If you tend to schedule a certain type of hiring meeting frequently, we recommend having a template for it so that you don't have to fill out the calendar event description each time.
Getting to the hiring meeting scheduling workflow
You can schedule a hiring meeting for any candidate in a schedulable stage. For any candidate, select the "Hiring Meeting" button from the dropdown. This will take you into the workflow to schedule a hiring meeting.
Scheduling a hiring meeting
1. Preferences
The first step in the workflow is selecting who will attend the hiring meeting and what time it will be. You can select a hiring meeting template, like Debrief, to make the workflow a bit faster to go through, as it will automatically fill in the attendees on this step and the calendar event details on the next step.
At the bottom of this step, you can select a time for the hiring meeting in the availability picker. This availability picker is similar to other ones throughout the application, but with a few additional controls.
2. Event
The next step is filling out the title and description for the calendar event that will be sent to all meeting attendees. You can also select the scheduling calendar to send this event from.
3. Review
The final step is reviewing all of the information to make sure it looks good. Then, you can schedule the hiring meeting!
And that's it! Now, the meeting will be on the calendar and all attendees will receive the invite.