Talent Pipeline allows you to see which stage a candidate is in within your pipeline, along with other details related to their application. In addition to this, you can tell how long each candidate has been in a stage using our built-in status (both default and custom) and service level agreement (SLA) indicators.
By knowing a candidate’s status within a stage and how long they’ve been in it, you can prioritize your work accordingly and determine who you need to pay attention to right now and what action(s) you need to take with them.
The following video covers how to use Talent Pipeline with SLAs:
This feature is relevant to teams that have access to Talent Pipeline. To learn more about Talent Pipeline or add it to your account, contact our Sales team at sales@gem.com.
How It Works
Default Statuses with SLAs
We have implemented default SLAs in Gem that are based on research with customers. These statuses will change color based on how long a candidate has been in a particular stage.
Default Statuses with SLAs:
Status |
Time elapsed until SLA warning (YELLOW) |
Time elapsed until SLA target is missed (RED) |
Why am I seeing this status? |
Contributing factors |
Needs feedback |
12 hours |
24 hours |
Needs decision |
24 hours |
36 hours |
When all scorecards/feedback have been received for completed interviews |
Scorecard/feedback completion |
Needs scheduling |
24 hours |
36 hours |
If no interviews have been scheduled and none are complete. Once any interviews in the stage are complete, this status will not appear again. |
Moving candidate into a stage |
Needs offer |
12 hours |
24 hours |
A candidate was moved into the Offer stage, but the offer has not been created in Greenhouse yet |
Moving candidate into the Offer stage |
Needs offer sent |
12 hours |
24 hours |
An offer has been created in Greenhouse, but has not been sent to the candidate yet |
Offer creation |
Offer sent |
60 hours |
72 hours |
An offer has been created and sent to the candidate in Greenhouse, but is awaiting a resolution |
Sending an offer |
Default Statuses without SLAs
Some statuses do not require an SLA or are outside of your control, so no SLA will be applied.
Default Statuses without SLAs:
Status |
Why am I seeing this status? |
Interviewing |
When the candidate is actively in an interview OR when one or more interviews in a stage has been completed, but there are still some scheduled |
Scheduled |
If at least one interview has been scheduled in a stage |
Offer accepted |
When a candidate accepts an offer (will only appear briefly or not at all since hired candidates are not displayed in Talent Pipeline) |
Rejected |
When a candidate has been rejected (no distinction between rejected by them or you) |
Custom Statuses with SLAs
Since most organizations have different expectations on when to get back to candidates, this feature allows your team to customize SLAs (in hours) based on your organization’s own guidelines.
Your organization’s SLA settings can be modified. Gem Admins on your team can open Talent Pipeline and click on the “SLA: Any” dropdown menu button to edit them.
Statuses and SLA numbers are interpreted as follows:
The first “Show warning after” column represents how much time must pass (without a status change) before an application turns yellow.
The second “SLA missed after” column represents how much time must pass (without a status change) before an application turns red.
This includes the time when the status is yellow. For example in the screenshot below, an application with the status “Needs scheduling” will be green for the first 24 hours with no changes, turn yellow for the next 12 hours, then become red at the 36 hour mark.
What each status means: Statuses with SLAs table
Please note: All teams that have access to Talent Pipeline can have access to this SLA feature, but only Gem Admins can edit them.
SLA Notifications
Notifications help teams stay on top of SLAs in their recruiting process. When a given application exceeds an SLA, information is emailed to the recruiter assigned to the job so they can help get it back under control.
Default Notifications
By default, notifications are sent for all statuses, excluding “Needs Feedback” and “Needs scheduling” statuses. “Application Review” stage notifications are also disabled to increase focus on later stage candidates.
Notifications are sent for each job/status (e.g. candidates who applied to the Marketing Manager role that are in the status Needs decision). This means multiple candidates can appear in one notification to streamline communications.
Customizing Notifications
SLA notifications can be customized by a Gem admin for a team for each status by pipeline stage. Gem admins can additionally enable or disable any status and select the relevant stages according to their teams needs.
Notifications are sent according to the SLA targets as discussed in the “Custom Statuses with SLAs” section above. If your team is receiving too many notifications, we encourage team admins to adjust SLAs to a more manageable level.
Turning Off Notifications
Recruiters always have control and can opt-out of notifications in the Notification sections of their settings page. Feedback from recruiters may be best addressed by making adjustments to the admin settings.
Usage Notes
Status SLAs are purely based on time spent in the status. Events such as emails being sent/received or other candidate-related activity will not impact SLA.
This feature was released on March 11, 2022. Candidates with stage movements prior to this date will default to the yellow (warning) SLA. Once the candidate’s status changes, their current state will be displayed.
We currently do not have any additional granularities for custom SLAs. They are only custom SLAs at the company level.
Setting the warning time to be equal to the missed time will result in behavior where there is essentially no warning/yellow time period (i.e. will go from green straight to red).
Greenhouse teams: Refer to this guide to learn more about the amount of time it takes to sync activity from Greenhouse into Gem.
Have any issues or questions on this topic? Please feel free to contact your dedicated Gem Customer Success Manager directly or our Support team at support@gem.com.