The purpose of this document is to outline the following:
Setting up Your Gem Account
To create your Gem account, head to Gem and click “Login” at the top right. Input your email address and Gem will walk through an automated tutorial to help you:
Grant email access so we can send Sequence emails out automatically
Install the Gem Chrome Extension
Connect to your ATS so you can push candidates to your ATS
Source and Sequence your first candidate
Adding People to Gem
There are multiple ways to add people to Gem:
- Sourcing from a supported site like LinkedIn
- Drag and drop a PDF resume into Gem
- CSV upload to Project
Integrating Gem with Your ATS
Gem integrates deeply with your ATS to allow you to do the following (functions vary depending on your ATS):
Dupe-check (see if a candidate already exists in your ATS)
Import candidates from your ATS to Gem
Open Gem sidebar in your ATS so you can Sequence candidates (ex. Silver Medalists)
Push a prospect or candidate to your ATS
Select a Job in ATS (required for candidates in some ATSes)
Add tags
Change source
Set a stage (candidates only)
Customized Settings
Gem allows you to customize settings so that you can:
Change which side of the screen the Sequence editor pops up on
Travel to your Gem settings to customize and edit your Sequence defaults.
Gem Sourcing Workflow
Gem’s Sourcing Workflow helps you:
Source 5x faster than you would without using our extension
Automates manual processes like uploading candidates to your ATS or following up with prospects
Helps you get data insights into your outreach to candidates so you can tweak messaging or A/B test
Creating Sequences
Sequences are designed to put your reach outs on autopilot using stages. Each stage has a reach-out template (created by the user), which automatically pulls in information from the candidate’s LinkedIn profile (so that each message looks tailored to the individual you’re emailing).
You can add automate follow-ups by adding a stage, which can be scheduled for a certain number of days later. You can add as many stages as you’d like and Gem will stop sending follow-ups to a person as soon as they reply to any stage in your sequence.
Adding a Person to Gem in LinkedIn
Once you’ve created your reach-out sequence, navigate to LinkedIn to find candidates you’d like to reach out to. To add a candidate to Gem, press the Save to PDF option in the dropdown next to “Send Inmail”. This works across all levels of LinkedIn (Public, Recruiter Lite, Recruiter).
When you save the candidate’s LinkedIn profile to PDF, the Gem extension will do the following:
Creates a Gem profile with important fields for your reach out, including name, job title, company, etc.
Find their email & social media.
Uploads everything to ATS in one click (some ATSes).
Other ways to add people to Gem are outlined here. Please see Gem Extension: Supported Websites for details on what other sites the Gem extension can be used on.
Organizing Candidates in Gem Projects
Gem Projects allow you to organize candidates in any way that you want. You can create as many projects as you want and a candidate can exist in multiple Gem projects at one time.
There are three types of Gem projects:
Confidential Projects: Only the user who creates the project has access to view, add, or remove candidates in the project. Stats for this project will not be visible in Outreach Stats and other users who see this candidate’s Gem profile will not be able to see that they are in a confidential project.
Personal Projects: Only you and the users you designate can add or remove candidates; anyone with the link on your team can view the project. Stats for this project will be visible in outreach stats and other users who see this candidate’s Gem profile will be able to see that they are in a personal project.
Shared Projects: Anyone with a Gem account can view Shared Projects or add candidates to a shared project. Stats for this project will be visible in outreach stats and other users who see this candidate’s Gem profile will be able to see that they are in a shared project.
To add a candidate to a project in Gem, click the dropdown in the Gem account and type in the name of the project you want to add the candidate to. If the project does not exist, you can create a new project.
Sending Sequences to Candidates
Once you’ve sourced a candidate and added them to Gem, you can send them a Sequence from the extension by choosing from one of your saved Sequences. From there, you can edit the schedule or message for any stage before sending.
“Send as” using Gmail Aliases
You can use Gmail Aliases to make your sequences look like they are coming from someone else in your company (e.g. a hiring manager).
To set up a Gmail Alias:
Follow steps 1 and 2 from this guide to add an Alias in Gmail.
Turn on automatic forwarding from your Gmail Alias to your primary email (see this guide). Test it by sending an email to your Gmail Alias and making sure it arrives in your primary email inbox. If this is not configured, Gem will not be able to track replies and stop automatic follow ups.
You’re all set. Choose from your Gmail Aliases while configuring a sequence or set a default Gmail Alias in your Gem settings.
Have any issues or questions on this topic? Please feel free to contact your dedicated Gem Customer Success Manager directly or our Support team at support@gem.com.