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Visit Outreach Stats to view outreach metrics for you and your team.
Outreach Stats allows you to filter on three unique parameters:
Candidate Cohorts vs. Activity
My Stats vs. Team Stats
Time Period
Candidate Cohorts vs Activity
A major parameter in Outreach Stats is the Candidate Cohorts vs Activity filter. The metrics that each tab displays look similar, but are calculated differently.
Candidate Cohorts
Candidate Cohorts shows a cohort view, which helps you understand the effectiveness of your outreach (e.g. open rate/reply rate/interested rate) for the time period you are filtering on. Simply put -- of the candidates you sent new sequences to in a time period, it tells you how many of them opened/replied/were interested at any time.
Sent -- The number of individual sequences that were sent out to candidates during the set time frame.
Opened -- Of the number of sequences sent, this is the number of sequences that were opened by candidates during the set time frame.
Replied -- Of the number of sequences opened, this is the number of sequences that candidates replied to during the set time frame.
Interested -- This is counted in one of three ways: (1) If a candidate has replied and they were manually marked as Interested, (2) if Gem reads and detects the candidate's reply and automatically marked them as Interested, or (3) if the candidate was converted in the process (Greenhouse teams only).
Candidate Cohorts Use Case
Activity shows how many activities you performed for a given time period, which helps you understand where you are spending your time.
The metrics we display are:
Viewed on LinkedIn -- The number of candidate profile pages that were viewed on LinkedIn during the selected time period. This counts unique profile views, so going to the same candidate's profile page multiple times will not increase this number and only the first view will count.
Added to Gem -- The number of times a LinkedIn candidate profile's PDF file was downloaded during the selected time period.
First messages sent -- The number of first messages sent to candidates during the selected time period. This includes Stage 1 of Email/InMail Sequences.
Follow-ups sent -- The number of follow-up messages sent during the selected time period. This includes automatically sent messages for Stages 2 and up of Email Sequences and manually sent follow-up InMail Stages.
What are the differences between the views?
One of the key differences between Candidate Cohorts and Activity is that rates don't make sense in the Activity view. For example, say you sent ten sequences 1 quarter ago, and zero sequences this quarter.
If a candidate replies this quarter to any of the ten sequences you sent last quarter, those replies would count towards this quarter in the Activity view. This could lead to a reply rate that is greater than 100%, which doesn't make much sense.
In the Candidate Cohorts view, those replies would count for the last quarter.
My Stats vs Team Stats
You can choose between seeing your own stats versus your team's stats by clicking the dropdown button seen below.
If you choose Team Stats, you can filter by specific team members by adding a filter for 'User', then typing in their name.
Selecting Chart: Overall will aggregate the team's stats for the time period you are filtering on. The results will be shown in the table at the bottom of the page.
Time Period
Gem can aggregate outreach stats by commonly used date ranges (ex. Year To Date, Quarter To Date, etc.), but you can also manually set a custom start and end date window that you'd like to focus on by clicking on the date edit boxes.
Additional Features
- Drill down in your data -- After you've applied the desired filters, your Outreach Stats data can be drilled down by using the Group by, Breakdown, and Metric dropdown menus at the top of the summary table. You can also filter and group by Gem Custom Fields as a dimension for insights specific to your needs
- Save your Outreach Stats report -- To save reports you need to look up regularly, apply all of the desired filters, and click on the Save button at the top of the Outreach Stats page. This saves your currently used filter presets so that they can be recalled at a later time. After the report has been saved, it can be accessed by going to your Reports page.
- Schedule sending of saved reports -- Once you've saved a report, you can schedule a time for it to automatically be sent to recipients on your team. While viewing the saved report, click the Share button at the top of the page, then select Schedule email report. Fill out the form that appears with your desired schedule, recipients, and subject, and Gem will automatically send that report.
- Projects Stats -- You can also pull stats for a specific project by filtering on the name of the project. In My Stats, you can filter by your own project, and on Team Stats, you can filter by team projects. Click Add filter and select Project to get started.
Download a CSV -- Export your Outreach Stats report to a CSV file to save the stats for the dashboard configuration you're currently looking at. The CSV will take into account all of the configurations at the top:
- My Stats vs Team Stats
- Candidate Cohorts vs Activity
- Quarters vs Months vs Weeks vs Days
Have any issues or questions on this topic? Please feel free to contact your dedicated Gem Customer Success Manager directly or our Support team at